David Jenkins' weblog

Life’s too short to drink instant coffee

Category: events

  • Birthday eve dinner at MJP@TheShepherds

    I like to go out to dinner to celebrate my birthday and given our experience during the Covid period I wanted to go somewhere good (don’t I always?) and different. So I did a search on TripAdvisor for restaurants with some sort of Michelin connection. This yielded a list including Navadhanya on Newmarket Road and…

  • David Jenkins steps down: the end of an era

    David Jenkins steps down: the end of an era

    HI Hub (www.hihub.info) is a community website for the village of Histon & Impington. It recently ran an article about me not standing for re-election this year. It’s quoted below. Click here if you want to read it on HI Hub.

  • Sep 17: photo of the month

    This may not be the best photo of the month, there’s a bunch of good candidates from my visit to Hong Kong and the start of my vacation in Australia of course, but it’s of a type and it’s a memory of a great event. The type is my liking for handheld available light photographs.…

  • Polemics weekend: 9/10 Apr 16

    @camlitfest @georgemonbiot @owenjones84 @ken4london

  • Shooting clay pigeons (and missing them)

    It’s Xmas 2014 and I’ve been invited to a corporate event: clay pigeon shooting and dinner courtesy of Milner Strategic Marketing @milnerltd. I’m ‘director’ of the Cambridge office, hence the invite. Unfortunately the law of inevitable coincidence kicks in and I must get back to Histon so will miss the dinner but the shoot gives…

  • There’s no such thing as a free lunch: a week in Turkey

    We got an offer way back for what was claimed to be a £799 holiday for £149. We got it from one of the supermarkets we go to, the one we patronise when we only want to buy food and drink and not electricals and clothing and which does super dry aged beef, so we…

  • Oxford and Blenheim; 22/23 Sep 14

    I’ve just come back from Heathrow where I’ve been seeing my son off on an SQ flight to Perth. He’s emigrating, taking a job with the Perth police so it’s been a tough experience.

  • Miss Saigon, 28 Jun 14

    It’s a surprise to find that it’s four years since we last went to a musical in the West End. That was the Jersey Boys. Click here for that story. That was my birthday treat. This time it was Juni’s.

  • A tale of two (trade) shows

    I’ve been to two trade shows this month. The first was InterPack in Dusseldorf and the second just last week was the Chelsea Flower Show. I’ve been to InterPack several times which is sad but this was my first visit to Chelsea which is also a little sad.

  • blogging about blogging; 25 Jan 14

    I’m off to London today to learn about blogging. I’m going to a Guardian Masterclass ‘How to blog like a professional’. Start-time is 1000 so it’s an early start for a Saturday: 0815 train from Cambridge gets me into King’s Cross soon after 0900. Time for breakfast with the venue only 5 minutes further.